easy recipes with tomato paste that you didn’t know before

There are many easy and quick recipes with different tomato-based products such as tomato paste that you didn’t know before.

Your pasta, soups, and even barbecues will taste significantly more appetizing when you use our Homemade Tomato Paste as the secret ingredient.

Produced by cooking a quantity of tomatoes, then straining the cooked pulp through cheesecloth to remove the seeds and skin. The residual liquid is then simmered until it thickens into a concentrated form that is very rich in flavor.

Tomato paste is an intensely savory item that can be used as a delectable addition to your recipes to not only give them a rich, velvety crimson color but also contribute a natural umami flavor to the dish as a whole.

The tomato was first cultivated in 1815 in Greece, which was then ruled by the Ottoman Empire. It wasn’t until the second half of the 1800s that the tomato established itself in Italy’s territory.

When it was ultimately cultivated and recognized, it was thought to be a vegetable that was valuable enough to be stored for use during the colder months.

In some regions of Greece, particularly those that are mountainous and impoverished, homemade tomato sauces were considered a luxury item. Because freezers were not widely used in the 19th century, tomatoes were only available during the summer months.

As a result, thrifty women living in cities and tomato-producing cities or areas produced tomato paste so that they would have access to tomatoes even during the colder months. In 1911, the Manoussakis brothers prepared their first canned tomato.

At the time, they were the owners of the Kyknos canning firm, and during that year, they produced approximately one thousand cans of tomato paste and cans of peeled tomatoes. By the year 1902, the well-known paste had already been shipped to Egypt and Turkey, and it had gradually become an important agricultural product.

This tasty crimson paste is a component that is typically associated with Italy. The 20th century saw the beginning of commercial production and distribution.

This is traditionally prepared in Malta, Southern Italy, or Sicily by reducing and spreading out tomato sauce on wooden boards that have been placed outside to dry in the warm weather of summer until it turns into a paste and appears thick enough, scraped up, and molded into a ball with a rich dark red color.

The artisanal version of this product is becoming increasingly difficult to locate. The industrial method of making tomato paste results in a product that is significantly more watery, whereas the commercial method utilizes tomatoes with thick pericarp walls and lower moisture content. These tomatoes are distinct from the tomatoes that are typically sold in supermarkets and markets.

Tomato paste that has been manufactured typically functions as a stabilizer or a thickening and frequently contains additional herbs and spices. Some manufacturers even provide alternatives for double or triple concentrated tomato paste, which are even more potent than regular tomato paste.

When compared to its puree and sauce siblings, this paste possesses a flavor that is more robust. Typically, they are added at the beginning of the cooking process in order to allow the stronger flavor to permeate the food or sautéed with in order to obtain that beautiful aromatic caramelization.

You can use tomato paste in a variety of dishes, including pasta sauces, particularly those with creamy bases, lasagnas, pilaf rice, spiced fried rice, tomato risotto, soups, as a crispy sauce to coat with in for fried chicken or chicken wings to chicken parmesan sauce, you can even add them in ramen for something different, chilies, nasi goring, meatball stews, and braised meats, to name a few Adding a tablespoon or two of tomato paste to tomato sauce or broth, simmering it with a sprinkle of basil and garlic, and adding any other seasonings you like can be an example of using tomato paste.

This can be done in order to make a nice pasta sauce that you can pour over the type of pasta you choose, or in order to have a more intense flavor. You’ve just produced a simple spaghetti lunch if you cook the pasta with the sauce to make it really adhere into the noodles.

On the other hand, simply adding tomato paste to your marinated beef can make a significant change in the flavor of your typical barbecues and beef dishes. Including tomato paste in your regular cycle of dishes is a simple method to infuse those foods with a wonderful tomato taste.

The pièce de résistance of any tomato-based foods that you will be preparing in the future is going to be this seasoning, which is flavorful, thick, and sour all at the same time.


3 kilos tomatoes

1 tablespoon olive oil


After they have been washed and sliced, the tomatoes should be chopped.

Cook the tomatoes in a covered pot over low heat for twenty minutes, making sure to stir them frequently.

Blend the cooked tomatoes at a medium-high speed until a smooth consistency is achieved. The tomato puree should be transferred into a bowl.

The purée should be poured through a strainer that is set over a bowl. To extract the juice and remove the seeds and skin from the purée, stir it over the strainer while holding it over the bowl.

When you have a smooth purée of tomato, you can proceed. Place the mixture in a skillet and cook it, covered, over a low heat for about 5 hours. Stirring regularly. The consistency need to be quite thick and substantial.

Place the mixture in a container, and stir in the olive oil. After that, place these into jars in order to preserve them.

Only once it has cooled can the jars be covered. And now it’s ready to be stored in the refrigerator for later use in any cuisine that calls for tomatoes.

The following list includes some of the most well-known dishes that may be prepared using tomato paste:

Meatballs smothered in a curry sauce.

Low-Fat Butter Chicken Party Sausage Rolls

Slow-Cooked Shredded Beef

Eggplant Parmigiana\sLamb Shanks Italian-Style

Beechworth Tomato Relish Served Over Lamb Shanks

Curry with katsu chicken

Steak that has been braised with onions

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